Pass The Hat 

Pass the Hat is the major fundraising event for RHS PTSA.

As busy parents/guardians of high school students ourselves, we want to keep our fundraising simple for everyone!  No cookie dough or other door to door sales, we simply ask that you donate to help support the many programs, projects, and activities of Redmond High School PTSA which support your child.

Pass the Hat funds support the following activities, and much more:

  • Student enrichment activities
  • Improvements to the school (such as study tables and parking lot flags)
  • Classroom supplies (such as microscopes and scales for science classes)
  • Club & Sports equipment (indoor batting cages)
  • Financial support for a drug and alcohol counselor
  • Scholarships for graduating seniors


Click here to donate.

If your employer matches donations, RHS PTSA can raise even more for your donation dollar!

Redmond High School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.


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